Thursday, November 25, 2010


When I was a kid Thanksgiving was always at me grandfather's house. Me and the 'rents would pile into the car and drive the excruciating 5 min haul to the good ole double wide on Starr Rd. where a feast of Turkey, 'taters, and gravy awaited. The meal was also served up with a heaping spoonful of guilt as every year my grandmother reminded us that we don't come to see her enough and she may not be around NEXT Thanksgiving.
One of the things I did to pass the time that became a "tradition" for me in my little only child world was watch a King Kong marathon on TV. WOR-R 9 out of New York city would run a six hour marathon of Ray Harryhausen giant gorilla goodness. The marathon started with Mighty Joe Young, then it was the original King Kong followed by Son of Kong. Now Mighty Joe Young was okay, but at the time I always felt he was a Kong wanna be. The highlight of the trio of course was Kong and after that movie finished it was normally time to go home so I never saw Son of Kong all the way through.
Of course interrupting my movie marathon was the Thanksgiving meal which I tried to eat as quickly as possible so as not to miss the Kong-Tyrannosaurus smack down!
So, in honor of my weird little tradition today's caricature is of Jack Black as Carl Denham from the King Kong remake back in 2006. I know I probably should have done Fay Wray but I've been wanting to do a Jack Black drawing and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I really don't want to get into it. This is how I feel about the Bush adminstrations and their policies and their "War on Terror".

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How cool is this!?! I posted some drawings on e-bay the other. One of them was a cartoon of Evel Knievel. Well, I received an e-mail and it was from...Robbie Knievel, Evel's son. OH SHIT! I'm gonna get SUED! Guess what? He liked the drawing! He has comissioned me to do two drawings of him! So Cool! Above is the rough of Kaptain Knievel and his bone chopper!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Honestly, I've only seen the movie Barbarella once. I think it was on HBO in my pre-teen years. I didn't know who Jane Fonda was back then, but I've never forgotten the anti gravity strip tease. My friend Becca over at No Smoking at the Skull Cave, who, by the way, runs a much BETTER blog than me, and I agreed to swap art and she requested a Barbarella. So here she is. Look for more B-Movie queens soon!

Monday, January 21, 2008


My new favorite website is THE QUEEN OF TRASH Monsters! Cleavage! Mayhem and More! Oh, and don't forget the Queen herself, as drawn here with B-Movie monster Ro-Man! The Queen's site has tons of provocative photo shoots of the Queen plus links to all kinds of B-Movie websites and other stuff. Definitely intended for adults so moms and dads lock the kids in the closet when you're checking out this site!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So FINALLY! We now all know why Britney Spears is doing all the weird shit she's been doing! She's Bipolar! Well, I don't know about bipolar, but after that kiss with Madonna I thought maybe she was bi! No, seriously, feel sorry for poor Brit. I mean she's bipolar! It couldn't be that pretty little Brit from the trailer park had know real moral compass growing up. It couldn't be that as a teen she had an agent with more than half a brain that kept her from doing all this stupid shit! Then, when she was old enough she shit canned his ass and the true Brit finally surfaced. I'm surprised she waited as long as she did to get knocked up and divorced! But she's bipolar! Hell, I'm bipolar! But you don't see me running around shaving my head and showing off my puttytat! Hey Brit! The only thing you haven't done so far is show us your boobs! What's stoppin' you!?! Oh yeah...your bipolar.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Been up since about 3 O'clock this morning. I AM SO TIRED! Anyway, 2 drawings tonight that I did last year. Spacegirl and Catwoman!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


First post of the year and here to help out is DC Comics' Bulleteer! Now this character is a revamp of the WWII heroine Bullet Girl who was of course, the partner of Bullet Man. This fem fatal appeared in her own 4 issue mini series as part of the 7 Soldiers of Victory project.
I'm offering this original sketch for $10.00 plus shipping. Please e-mail me at for details.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


This is my little girl Abbi. I love this picture that my father-in-law took so I decided to post it here. This picture captures her personality perfectly. She's generally pretty happy, though as with any 2 year old she has her moments. Love this little girl. I never knew I could love someone this much!

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Every year my buddy JD sends me a cool quirky Christmas card and this year's card was my favorite of the season!


This is an original drawing on 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 bristol board. I used prismacolor markers to color it. This drawing is available for purchase at my web store for $10.00