Monday, January 21, 2008


My new favorite website is THE QUEEN OF TRASH Monsters! Cleavage! Mayhem and More! Oh, and don't forget the Queen herself, as drawn here with B-Movie monster Ro-Man! The Queen's site has tons of provocative photo shoots of the Queen plus links to all kinds of B-Movie websites and other stuff. Definitely intended for adults so moms and dads lock the kids in the closet when you're checking out this site!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So FINALLY! We now all know why Britney Spears is doing all the weird shit she's been doing! She's Bipolar! Well, I don't know about bipolar, but after that kiss with Madonna I thought maybe she was bi! No, seriously, feel sorry for poor Brit. I mean she's bipolar! It couldn't be that pretty little Brit from the trailer park had know real moral compass growing up. It couldn't be that as a teen she had an agent with more than half a brain that kept her from doing all this stupid shit! Then, when she was old enough she shit canned his ass and the true Brit finally surfaced. I'm surprised she waited as long as she did to get knocked up and divorced! But she's bipolar! Hell, I'm bipolar! But you don't see me running around shaving my head and showing off my puttytat! Hey Brit! The only thing you haven't done so far is show us your boobs! What's stoppin' you!?! Oh yeah...your bipolar.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Been up since about 3 O'clock this morning. I AM SO TIRED! Anyway, 2 drawings tonight that I did last year. Spacegirl and Catwoman!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


First post of the year and here to help out is DC Comics' Bulleteer! Now this character is a revamp of the WWII heroine Bullet Girl who was of course, the partner of Bullet Man. This fem fatal appeared in her own 4 issue mini series as part of the 7 Soldiers of Victory project.
I'm offering this original sketch for $10.00 plus shipping. Please e-mail me at for details.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


This is my little girl Abbi. I love this picture that my father-in-law took so I decided to post it here. This picture captures her personality perfectly. She's generally pretty happy, though as with any 2 year old she has her moments. Love this little girl. I never knew I could love someone this much!